During family scripture study, my oldest daughter (age 7) Ashlee was reading so well that I told her she should also start reading daily on her own and that it was important to read on a daily basis. Well, my four year old son felt left out but can't read well enough to read on his own. That is how this app came about. After creating it for him, he was able to launch and start watching chapters without any instruction. In fact he went through 13 chapters on his own in one sitting! I thought this app might be useful for others, so I added multiple language support and tried to make it as robust as possible.
- Download videos for offline viewing (e.g. road trip)
- Multiple language support:
- Deutsch,
- Español,
- Français,
- Italiano,
- Português,
- Русский,
- 國語,
- 廣東話,
- 日本語,
- 한국어
- MP4 and WMV formats (provided by lds.org)
| Book of Mormon Stories |
You may also side load the apk file here
Other Apps
I have created additional apps. All of the other apps are similar in layout and function as the Book of Mormon app. They have the chapter listings and play the animated store of the chapter.The only difference is the Old Testament and Doctrine and Covenants do not have multi-language support. The reason is that lds.org does not have multi-language versions.
LDS.ORG Policy on Using Media for Sharing the Gospel
In short, the church encourages using the church media to help share the gospel. Here are some relevant quotes:
- Create a “My Beliefs” category on a social bookmarking site, and add your favorite images, videos, and music from the LDS Media Library.
- “Like” or share gospel messages, videos, and images on Facebook
As you can see from how this app came about; that is the intent of this app: To help our children learn about the gospel and to gain a testimony of their own. I am a big believer in daily scripture study; it is how my testimony started. I know the Book of Mormon is true. It is my testimony that there is no other way to come closer to God than by faithfully studying the Book of Mormon (and other scriptures) on a daily basis. If you don't want to worry about your children growing up to be wonderful, faithful, church-attending people; teach them to study the scriptures starting at a young age.
How can I help?
- Feedback. Feedback is always appreciated! How can it be improved? What is missing? etc... Post a comment below.
- Contribute! The code is open-source and hosted on github.
- Donate! The apps will forever be free. My wife was not thrilled to find out that it costs an annual $100 to just post a free app on the Amazon Marketplace (i.e. for the kindle fire). So any donations are appreciated.